Statement on Governor Baker’s Sales Tax Holiday Proposal

“MassBudget holds a vision of an economically and racially just Commonwealth, one that is supported by fair and forward-thinking state tax and budget policy. Seen through that lens, the Governor’s proposal to suspend the state’s sales tax for August and September presents challenges. On the one hand, shifting our state tax system away from taxes like the sales tax, that fall most heavily on low-income households, makes good sense.  Unfortunately, spending the surplus this way forecloses  the ability to make investments that will transform opportunities for everyone in our Commonwealth – particularly for our low-income and BIPOC communities.

For instance, the tax dollars the Commonwealth would lose from this 2-month sales tax holiday could support local schools by accelerating funding for the Student Opportunity Act, provide opportunities for affordable childcare that will help businesses  and families, and encourage travel by enabling transit authorities to stop collecting burdensome bus fares. These and many other options exist for lawmakers to better target support to those communities and businesses in greatest need.”


Presentation – Transportation Funding: Context, Challenges & Progress

On June 24, 2024, Policy Director Phineas Baxandall joined Transportation for Massachusetts (T4MA)'s community conversation on transportation funding. Baxandall focused on how Fair Share spending ...
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K-12 Funding Analysis by District: Challenges of Recent Inflation Limiting Investments From the Student Opportunity Act

The 2019 Student Opportunity Act (SOA) intended to make state funding in K-12 schools more robust and equitable. The following analysis examines the SOA’s impact ...
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Pre-Conference Analysis: With Fair Share Revenue Surpassing Expectations, More Money Could Go to Education and Transportation in House and Senate Compromise

Going into this year's Conference Committee, one major story is that revenue collection from the Fair Share "millionaire's tax" is much higher than originally projected. ...
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