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Publications from before 2018

Examining Tax Fairness

Overall, the Massachusetts tax system is regressive, collecting a larger share of household income from lower-income households than it does from upper-income households.

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Effects of Raising Rates and Exemptions on the State Income Tax

This Facts At A Glance examines a tax reform option that would make changes to the way the Commonwealth taxes wage and salary income as well as investment income. The Department of Revenue recently examined this reform option and estimated that the proposal’s combined changes would generate between $1.33 billion and $1.41 billion (middle of range = $1.37 billion) in new revenues in its first full year after implementation.

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Health Care in the Governor’s FY 2014 Budget

This budget brief describes the Governor’s budget proposal for MassHealth (Medicaid) and other subsidized health coverage programs. It is the first in a series of FY 2014 fact sheets that will be published by the Massachusetts Medicaid Policy Institute (MMPI) and produced by MassBudget in partnership with the MLRI.

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Who is Affected by the Minimum Wage?

A minimum wage increase would directly raise the wages of all workers who earn less than the new minimum wage, and economic models suggest that it would also help lift wages for other low-paid workers. This paper also examines how many children live in families with a minimum wage worker and how many would benefit from an increase.

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A Preview of the FY 2014 Budget

Squeezed by the weak national economy and the tax cuts of the late 1990s, Massachusetts will once again face a significant budget deficit in FY 2014. $1.2 billion is the conservative estimate we develop in our new “Budget Preview.”

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Adjusting for Personal Income: When, Why, and How

When we commit to doing things together through our government, we also commit to paying for them together through taxes. Discussions of budgets and taxes are ultimately about what we want to accomplish and what share of our resources we believe it is appropriate to spend to achieve those goals.

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MassBudget Brief: What Are 9C Cuts?

On October 29, 2009, Governor Patrick exercised his authority under state law to make spending cuts to the state’s FY 2010 budget. This MassBudget Brief explains the nature of the Governor’s 9C authority and when use of this authority becomes necessary.

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Breakfast and Lunch Participation in Massachusetts Schools

Are free and reduced-price school meals getting to all the kids who need them? That’s the question that motivated Breakfast and Lunch Participation in Massachusetts Schools—part of a joint project involving MassBudget, the Center for Social Policy at UMass Boston, and the Mass Law Reform Institute, supported by the EOS foundation.

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Massachusetts Ranks 25th in Taxes in FY 2010

State and local taxes in Massachusetts are roughly in line with the national average, according to data released today by the census bureau. Massachusetts ranks 25th among all states—meaning there are 24 states with a higher level of taxation and 25 with lower rates.

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Budget Monitor: The FY 2013 Budget

There is no revenue from new taxes in the FY 2013 budget. Instead, Massachusetts fills its roughly $1.3 billion budget gap through a combination of temporary revenue, cuts, and savings.

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