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Inflation Adjustment
  • CPI: adjusts for changes in the cost of goods and services purchased by consumers
  • IPD: adjusts for changes in the cost of goods and services purchased by governments
  • Economic Growth: adjusts for changes in the size of the state economy (measured in terms of total personal income)
  • None: does not capture changes in the value of a dollar over time.
Labor Relations Commission and Related Programs 7002-0600

funding levels adjusted for inflation (CPI)

  • Funding History
  • Proposals
Adjusted for inflation (CPI) NOT adjusted
FY23 GAA$0$0
FY22 GAA$0$0
FY12 $0 $0
FY11 $0 $0
FY10 $0 $0
FY08 $1,393,701 $953,535
FY07 $1,419,350 $936,347
FY06 $1,295,044 $832,701
FY05 $1,343,964 $832,700
FY04 $1,385,368 $833,316
FY03 $1,551,785 $913,273
FY02 $1,861,806 $1,072,111
FY01 $2,013,466 $1,139,270

comparisons adjusted for inflation (CPI)

  • See Changes in Funding
Between and
Funding for Labor Relations Commission and Related Programs

comparisons adjusted for inflation (CPI)


  • In FY09, funding for the Labor Relations Commission, the Joint Labor-Management Committee, and the Board of Conciliation and Arbitration were consolidated into the Division of Labor Relations. In FY12, funding for the Dept. of Labor Relations moved from one line item to another. All of these line items are grouped together.

* Funding and comparison information includes all line-items listed above. Download the spreadsheet to see funding levels for individual line-items.

Adjusted for inflation (CPI) NOT adjusted
FY25 Sen$0$0
FY25 SWM$0$0
FY25 House$0$0
FY25 HWM$0$0
FY25 Gov$0$0


  • In FY09, funding for the Labor Relations Commission, the Joint Labor-Management Committee, and the Board of Conciliation and Arbitration were consolidated into the Division of Labor Relations. In FY12, funding for the Dept. of Labor Relations moved from one line item to another. All of these line items are grouped together.

* Funding information includes all line-items listed above. Download the spreadsheet to see funding levels for individual line-items.

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