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Opening the Process: Releasing Maintenance Budgets to the Public

Maintenance budgets are estimates of what it would take for the state to maintain services at the same level as prior years. These budgets are ...
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A Preview of the FY 2016 Budget

As the FY 2016 budget season begins, the Commonwealth continues to suffer from the effects of the three billion dollars of income tax cuts enacted ...
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Income Tax Cuts and the Budget Deficit in Massachusetts

Beginning in 1998, a number of significant changes were made to the Massachusetts tax code–including a series of phased cuts to the state personal income ...
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Where Does the Taxachusetts Label Come From?

Overall, the level of taxation in Massachusetts is in the middle of the pack when compared to the rest of the country. The Taxachusetts label ...
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Massachusetts Ranks in Middle for Taxes in FY 2012

This Facts-At-A-Glance describes a recent US Census report that compares how much is collected in taxes in each state to help pay for all those ...
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Automatic Income Tax Rate Cuts: Frequently Asked Questions

The Governor recently announced the need to cut funding for school transportation, job training, health care, and other investments that protect the health of our ...
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Understanding the Actual Cost of MassHealth to the State

This brief describes the "net" cost of MassHealth, providing a much clearer picture of the impact of MassHealth on the state budget rather than looking ...
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Beyond the Bell: Options for Increased Learning Time

Increased learning time can be an effective tool for providing more of our young people with improved, more well-rounded education - but only if it's ...
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From Poverty to Opportunity: The Challenge of Building a Great Society

This report traces economic and policy changes since the launch of the Great Society, and how these changes have affected the lives of children and ...
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Family Ties: Exploring Massachusetts’ use of Kinship Foster Care for Children in the Child Welfare System

When we don't give children the best opportunity for healthy growth and development, we put their future - and our future as a Commonwealth - ...
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