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Massachusetts and New Jersey See Push for Illegal Alien COVID-19 Stimulus

The Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center estimates the bill would cost $58 million, to provide payments to an estimated 57,000 ITIN filers and their dependents. ...
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Ground Shifting Beneath Senate Revenue Group

The virtual meeting began Thursday with presentations from Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center President Marie-Frances Rivera and Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation President Eileen McAnneny, each of ...
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Ground Shifting Beneath Senate Revenue Group

The virtual meeting began Thursday with presentations from Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center President Marie-Frances Rivera and Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation President Eileen McAnneny, each of ...
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Virus leaves economists uncertain about its final toll Lowell Sun
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Mount Greylock Subcommittee Discusses Bus Contract Adjustment During Prolonged Closure

"The required local contribution is basically a measure of how much local tax revenue a city or town can reasonably raise and dedicate to the ...
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STATEHOUSE ROUNDUP: Life, liberty and the pursuit of ventilators

The tea leaves, when they can read them, will likely present a bleak picture – the Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center's testimony contemplates a scenario ...
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STATEHOUSE ROUNDUP: Life, liberty and the pursuit of ventilators

The tea leaves, when they can read them, will likely present a bleak picture – the Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center's testimony contemplates a scenario ...
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“Sobering” Estimates Mean Budgeting With Billions Less

Despite the forecasts, or perhaps because of them, Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center President Marie-Frances Rivera told lawmakers and the administration it was "not the ...
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Massachusetts Lawmakers Warn Of Possible Depression

Marie-Frances Rivera, president of MassBudget, said her think tank is estimating state tax collections could fall $5.0 billion to $5.7 billion in the current fiscal ...
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Coronavirus leaves economists uncertain: 8 takes on COVID-19’s final toll on Massachusetts

The state will need to tap into its rainy day fund and should also reconsider some tax breaks and work to ensure it receives as ...
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