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Inflation Adjustment
  • CPI: adjusts for changes in the cost of goods and services purchased by consumers
  • IPD: adjusts for changes in the cost of goods and services purchased by governments
  • Economic Growth: adjusts for changes in the size of the state economy (measured in terms of total personal income)
  • None: does not capture changes in the value of a dollar over time.
Concurrent Enrollment for Disabled Students and Related Programs 7061-9600

funding levels adjusted for inflation (Government Purchases)

  • Funding History
  • Proposals
Adjusted for inflation (Government Purchases) NOT adjusted
FY24 Leg$0$0
FY14 $88,274 $69,780
FY13 $764,905 $587,035
FY12 $535,891 $400,000
FY11 $550,222 $400,000
FY10 $1,023,377 $721,000
FY09 $1,871,147 $1,306,000
FY08 $2,302,662 $1,575,000
FY07 $3,083,756 $2,000,000
FY06 $0 $0
FY05 $0 $0
FY04 $0 $0
FY03 $0 $0
FY02 $660,969 $343,641
FY01 $3,496,163 $1,779,400

comparisons adjusted for inflation (Government Purchases)

  • See Changes in Funding
Between and
Funding for Concurrent Enrollment for Disabled Students and Related Programs

comparisons adjusted for inflation (Government Purchases)


  • In FY14, funding for the management of the Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment program shifted from a line item in the Dept. of Elementary and Secondary Education to a new line item in the Exec. Office of Education. In FY18, funding shifted to a line item in the Dept. of Higher Education. All of these are grouped together.

* Funding and comparison information includes all line-items listed above. Download the spreadsheet to see funding levels for individual line-items.

Adjusted for inflation (Government Purchases) NOT adjusted
FY25 Sen$0$0
FY25 SWM$0$0
FY25 House$0$0
FY25 HWM$0$0
FY25 Gov$0$0


  • In FY14, funding for the management of the Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment program shifted from a line item in the Dept. of Elementary and Secondary Education to a new line item in the Exec. Office of Education. In FY18, funding shifted to a line item in the Dept. of Higher Education. All of these are grouped together.

* Funding information includes all line-items listed above. Download the spreadsheet to see funding levels for individual line-items.

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