We are seeing the convergence of racist policies and practices, economic inequality, and a global pandemic.
In response to the current public health and economic crisis, we are working in partnership with coalitions to focus our research on the most urgent policy solutions. We are channeling the unique expertise of our team of analysts to tackle the important challenges ahead. Our team is offering policy solutions that provide immediate economic relief and longer-term investments in the Commonwealth.
At MassBudget, we are using our budget and fiscal expertise to identify inequities and create a more just economic recovery.
Read MassBudget President Marie-Frances Rivera’s statement on Black lives and Economic Justice
In Depth:
At a Crossroads Created by COVID: Executive Summary
At a Crossroads Created by COVID: Families Moving Along the Road to Opportunity in Massachusetts
“The ARPA Bill”: Highlights from Chapter 102 of the Acts of 2021
Where’s the Relief? The Distribution of Federal Funding in Massachusetts
The Pandemic Persists: Pain Points for the Children of Massachusetts
Unemployment Insurance Saved the Massachusetts Economy. How Can We Ensure It Will Be Strong for the Future?